Eat Healthy Bel Air is written by local residents interested in sharing tips on ways to eat healthy around town. Want to contribute? Send us an e-mail at and we'll add you as an author. Or, simply leave a comment below.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to Eat Healthy Bel Air

I've been publishing Bel Air News & Views and a variety of other local blogs about the goings on around Harford County for a couple of years now. I decided to start Eat Healthy Bel Air after having numerous discussions with other moms about how tricky it is to make sure we are feeding our families healthy food. The turning point for me came when I picked up a copy of Nancy Deville's "Death by Supermarket" at the Bel Air library. I realized that unhealthy high fructose corn syrup along with hydrogenated oils and other additives she talks about in her book exist in almost everything my kids were eating. I've never big a big health food person, convinced that it was way too much work to read all the labels. But after reading Deville's book I realized the bad stuff was in almost everything we eat. I decided I had better put some effort into trying to eliminate at least some of the things Deville's research shows can lead to obesity and other health problems. And I figured the best way to do that was to enlist the help of others who are shopping and cooking and trying to find healthy ways to feed busy families fast around town. There are plenty of cookbooks and TV shows and other sources of healthy eating information. But I thought a local blog would be a good place to share information about healthy foods that people are finding right here at the stores where we shop. We could also share recipes that are quick and easy and fit into our lifestyles. I'll post what I discover here and I welcome you readers to do so as well. You can add a comment to the posts below, or email me at and I'll make you a guest author of this blog and you can post thoughts, healthy food finds and recipes. I hope you join in. It should be fun.

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